Aug 4, 2012

Niagara Falls//Part 2//Wax Museum

I think Dominick and I had the most fun on our trip at the wax museum. Although, it did take a minute for us to get used to it. I was terrified at first, I didn't know if I would make it through the whole thing or not.
Tom Hanks freaked me out the most. His eyes watched you as you walked across the room. I was convinced someone was going to be real. I almost turned around and ran out of there.
Dominick walked all the way across this rope without falling. I was thoroughly impressed. 
I definitely could not do it. 
Some of the wax people looked good, some didn't. For example, I don't think the bar tender looks like Elvis, do you?
Dominick got so excited when we heard the Hogwarts music, He ran into the room.
John Lennon and Yoko Ono looked pretty darn real. Peace!

I am sure I will have more photos to share, haha. We took so many!

Xo Chloe.

13 colorful thought(s):

It's better to help people than garden gnomes said... 1

These pictures remind me of my honeymoon, we spent 3 days at niagara falls 3 years ago. We visited the waxworks it don't look like much has changed since we was there :)

Mandy said... 2

Oh my goodness all of these made me grin and giggle. I have never been to a wax museum but they DO seem creepy! Some of those look realllly weird! The Ron is pretty good though! I love it, looks like fun!


Becky said... 3

Hahaha these look like the worst waxworks ever! How funny!


cb said... 4

wax museums scare but i have never been to one. i just can't seem to take the plunge, it seems too creepy!

Judd and Jessa Marie said... 5

OMG Chloe I almost peed my pants!! That is hilarious! I am not surprised that wax Tom Hanks was scary. The John and Yoko setup looks like its straight out of a horror film! I know what I'll be running from in my sleep tonight!!



dearsafia said... 6

Love these photos! If you're ever in the UK you need to go to Madame Tussauds, you'd love it!

From Cupcakes, With Love x

jamiedawn said... 7

i've always wanted to go to a wax museum! i knew a guy that's grandpa studied in europe and it's creepy how real they look!

J.M.E. said... 8

oh, gosh. wax museum give me the heebeejeebees. i couldn't have done it! looks like y'all had a blast, though!

Stephanie said... 9

That looks so fun and creepy at the same time!

Nerd Burger said... 10

That was a terrible Elvis. Love the pics

Amber said... 11

That place looks awesome! I always wanted to go to a wax museum (despite the horrible ridiculous House of Wax movie.) I think I found a local one near where we live I want to go to!

xo Amber P.

Unknown said... 12

so jealous of your trip!

Anonymous said... 13

Too cute! I love you guys~ <3

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