Mallory is her real name, but her hubby calls her Beencie. Isn't that the cutest? Yes, yes it is. Her outfits are always adorable, and I don't know if you have seen their wedding pictures, but if you haven't go now. Her dress is gorgeous. I am in awe, it is perfection. Also, her thrift finds are fantastic, she got a lomography fisheye camera, for $12! That doesn't just happen everyday!
If you are looking to make "Awh!" sounds, go to Beencie.
A is For Ampersand
Amy is the uber rad blogger behind A is For &. Her fashion style is unique and wonderful. She is probably one of the last people on this Earth who wear other jeans besides skinny jeans. She has definitely inspired me to try out some bell bottoms. Her home is absolutely amazing, I love the way it is decorated. Also, her Etsy Shop is wonderful. I own the Caturday Print, it is such a lovely addition to the shelf collage on my wall!
If you are looking for some retro style inspiration, go to A is for &.
One Sheepish Girl
Merideth is a shy blogger who loves to knit. Her photos are always so lovely and inspiring. Her This and That posts are my favorite. I always love to read what she has to say, she is always doing something interesting. Also, she posts some of the best tutorials! My favorite is the 52 Weeks of Instax Frame, this is such a cute idea! You can buy some of her knitted creations from her Etsy Shop. I am in love with this crochet teacup!
If you are looking for some crafty inspiration, got to One Sheepish Girl.
Xo Chloe.
P.S. If you would like to start your own Bucket-Filler Friday posts, link back here please! Also, if you could let me know, I would love to read your posts!
P.P.S The winner of the Maggie's Farm Vinatge Giveaway is.....-Drumroll-...Mary, of Wish Upon This! Be sure to head over to her blog and congratulate her!
Have a wonderful Friday!
A is For Ampersand
Amy is the uber rad blogger behind A is For &. Her fashion style is unique and wonderful. She is probably one of the last people on this Earth who wear other jeans besides skinny jeans. She has definitely inspired me to try out some bell bottoms. Her home is absolutely amazing, I love the way it is decorated. Also, her Etsy Shop is wonderful. I own the Caturday Print, it is such a lovely addition to the shelf collage on my wall!
If you are looking for some retro style inspiration, go to A is for &.
One Sheepish Girl
Merideth is a shy blogger who loves to knit. Her photos are always so lovely and inspiring. Her This and That posts are my favorite. I always love to read what she has to say, she is always doing something interesting. Also, she posts some of the best tutorials! My favorite is the 52 Weeks of Instax Frame, this is such a cute idea! You can buy some of her knitted creations from her Etsy Shop. I am in love with this crochet teacup!
If you are looking for some crafty inspiration, got to One Sheepish Girl.
Xo Chloe.
P.S. If you would like to start your own Bucket-Filler Friday posts, link back here please! Also, if you could let me know, I would love to read your posts!
P.P.S The winner of the Maggie's Farm Vinatge Giveaway is.....-Drumroll-...Mary, of Wish Upon This! Be sure to head over to her blog and congratulate her!
Have a wonderful Friday!
3 colorful thought(s):
What an awesome list of blogs! Thank you!
Aww thank you so much for including me in your list! :-)
Hoorayy!!! I am so excited to pick out something from Maggie's Farm! Thank you thank you Chloe! :) :) I will be sure to post whatever I pick on my blog with a link back to you!!
<3, Mary
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