Jan 18, 2011


For my future Etsy shop, I will be selling home-made cards :)
I have always loved receiving hand-made cards, they are so much more intimate than Hallmark.
I was inspired by this adorable card from Oodalollies Etsy store.

♥ Chloe.

4 colorful thought(s):

sabrina said...

Ooh... That card is really pretty. Handmade IS the best! Good luck with your future Etsy shop!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower! Hope to get to know you a bit.

oodalollies said...

Oh my! It was such a lovely surprise to find this. Thank you ever so much for your kind words. My heart flutters when someone says I've inspired them. You've made me smile today (:

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

i agree, handmade cards are the best. 100% adore these ones and excited for you on the etsy venture. good lucks lades. ♥

Petra said...

these are lovely!!!

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