Jun 13, 2013

Life in Instagram

1//Waiting for guests to arrive at my brother's birthday party.
2//My dad and I being goofballs.
3//Dominick's grandma's pretty cake!
4//Me being obnoxious as usual.
5//My sister and I made pot stickers, yum!
6//My first Lush bath with Twilight Holistic!
7//A personal tea press and doodles.
8//Grizzly Bear's stage decor. It looked like flaming marshmallows on sticks.
9//The XX had a crazy light show going on.
10//My favorite thrift find, Ren and Stimpy shorts!!

Dominick and I went to the Grizzly Bear and XX show yesterday. We had balcony seats and that was cool because it was a pretty chill show. Edward Droste came up and sat in the balcony. We didn't get to say hi, but he seemed very nice when others said hello and wanting photos. Preeeetty cool. Also, Samantha and her sister was there! But we didn't run into each other.

Xo Chloe.

7 colorful thought(s):

Lauryn Green said...

The tea doodles are so sweet! Also I love the Dominick's little bikes shirt, where is it from? It would look nice on Fran too :)

Unknown said...

You are the cutest! Lol Ren and Stimpy shorts waaaaat! I love finds like that.


Kitsune-kun said...

tidbit: ren and stimpy scared me so bad as a child I threw up. it scared me to puke.

Nerd Burger said...

Those ren and stimpy shorts are mind blowingly awesome.

Anonymous said...

Cute skirt! Does it have licorice allsorts on it? If so, that's so cool xx


Lily May said...

I'm likin' your hair!

Unknown said...

I love this kind of blog posts! Maybe because I'm obsessed with instagram! ah ah ah! :P

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