Nov 3, 2011

DIY Ideas

Here are some fun DIY's I found around the world wide web, I thought I would share. Enjoy!

Rubiks Cube Cake! This is too freaking cool. I cannot wait to try and make this!

Taking book shelves to a whole new level!

Who wouldn't want to make their very own snow globe?! There are so many possibilities! 

These tinted mason jars are so lovely!

Check out this woodgrain rug tutorial! This would look so nice next to my bed. 

Xo Chloe.

6 colorful thought(s):

Anastasia said...

book shelves are perfect. i have 50 billion books that i now know what i can do with!


Arielle-HumblePieVintage said...

I want to make my own snowglobe this winter! And those bookshelves are awesome. And that Rubik's cube cake blew my mind.


MZ said...

I love these ideas. Especially the handmade snow globes :D

jorjiapeach said...

that cake is amazing. i need to make 83. for all my closest nerd friends, you know.

Sarah said...

In love with those tinted mason jars!

Ed said...

That book shelf idea...totally stealing that. Thanks!

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